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Encouraging Our Sons 

Father’s Day is quickly approaching. A time to remember our fathers and our husbands.

Many are so blessed with fathers who have loved, nurtured and protected. Many have painful memories in this area. My heart goes out to you. I was blessed. My husband has pain from his relationship and it is heartbreaking.

We have to move forward. If God has blessed us with sons, we have an awesome job before us. We are training the next generation. One decision can ruin a family. Or one decision can put it on the right path that will impact so many.

I am talking about raising sons and how to encourage them today at Raising Homemakers in the Raising Sons Corner.  Please join me there.

Raising Homemakers
  Your turn…how do you encourage your sons? Share with us here. We love to hear from you!


Looking for more ideas for boys? Check out these posts:


Boys Need to Play

Must Haves for Homeschooling Boys

Gift Ideas for Boys

Encouraging Our Sons


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Linking up with: The Mob Society



Mary Clendenin

Mary Clendenin lives on the family farm with her husband and 2 sons, whom she home schools. She enjoys farm life with her guys, gardening and making memories with her family. She loves to help others learn how to live a healthier lifestyle, learn about natural remedies and how to do business at home. Mary believes that home and family is your first ministry and a legacy that will live on long after you are gone.


  • Be the man you want them to be. This will just about cover it all
    Respect and know who you are as a father, it’s the only way you can stop the wrong perceptions and humble yourself so your son can see what a real man must endure and be like
    Don’t be hesitant to say ” Good job son ” or ” thanks son” and mean it as they need it.
    Call him son. It’s a title no one else has to you that’s specific and of value. Call him your son not his name Everyone else will call him by name, forge the relationship by calling him son.
    When they are real young hold them. Kiss them and tell them you love them every day
    When they are 7-10 do the exact same
    When they are 10-16 do the exact same
    16+ you should get the picture
    If you have trouble with that then you likely didn’t have a living father yourself so revert back to initial advise and become the man you want him to be
    A son will be stronger for it. He will be a stronger man for it
    A stronger husband
    A stronger father
    A stronger protector
    Never lie to your son never
    Share the truth of life with them, they can handle it, they need to handle it
    Remember let go enough BEFORE they reach a age they want to leave simply because they need to experience life. Life is decisions and full of learning by mistakes. Choose to let them make their decisions early so you are there when they fall. To then offer advise. To help them get back up. To help them see themselves the right way. By the way, did I mention they will see themselves much in the way you see yourself ?
    See your role as a father as the most important role of your life. The bible says piety ( love) STARTS in the home. If you don’t know how it’s up to you and you alone to get it figured out NOW not next year
    Get involved in what interests your son it’s not the other way around although if you do the above it likely will be because he will be drawn to you and want to be like you
    If your son is older and you know you have made some mistakes then have a never before real man to man talk, humble yourself sincerely and dedicate change in YOUR life not his and mean it. Things will change if you pull the plank from your eye first THEN you can see clearly to help THEM pull the splinters from theirs as they occur
    If you profess God then your son should SEE THAT not just hear you say it. Again YOU must become the man you want him to be
    Lastly men, love your wives and I mean the right way and wether you feel like it or not. If you love your son or daughter you MUST SHOW THEM HOW TO LOVE and you do that to the woman you made a covenant with This is the ONLY WAY TRUE STABILITY is established and grounded in their lives.
    If there is anywhere you can really really mess up its with that. Yes I know you may not have the best marriage but that doesn’t matter. Facts are facts. If you want your sons to be whole strong effective men then this is where the foundation of that lives. If you need help get it. May I suggest a book on the live languages. Read it and do it. It’s not a feeling it’s a choice.
    This I pass on as what I have learned in my life. I have learned the hard way by messing up and my daughters relationship is strained My son gave me a second chance to do it right and I did it ALL right.
    Let your children and your love for them make you a better man
    I lost my son in Feb 2015 to a fast 7 week battle with Lukemia
    Your children, your wife, your life is a gift. It’s not yours and you are not guaranteed how long you will have it here on earth so get out of your bubble and realize death is something no one will escape and as its guaranteed to happen so is the fact you can’t take all your stuff with you. The ONLY thing that you can take is your love relationships THATS IT. Realize this now and you will be a better man for it
    Realize this now and your family will think so too
    For those who go to heaven it will be a reuniting of family not a seperation. It will be a continuation of the relationships forged in love not a end to them or some strange new beginning
    Thank you for your time
    Robert S