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I love homeschooling! I had the privilege of being homeschooled before it was a big movement and treasure the special memories with my family. I earned my degrees in Elementary Education and History and taught 4th grade and K-4 before my oldest son was born. It has taken me a few years to “get over” being a teacher…I was trying to replicate school at home and we were all miserable. Now we are LOVING learning the Classical and Charlotte Mason way. I knew that I had discovered what we were missing after I attended at Simply Charlotte Mason workshop. I brought back the”home” into our homeschool and my boys wanted to know if we were really doing school because it was so fun! It isn’t always fun and some days I wonder what in the world I am doing and why. I have to revisit the “why I am homeschooling” and remember that I am not just raising little boys, but future men, husbands, fathers, and leaders in this world. I want to equip them as well as I can to be the men God wants them to be. I can’t do it on my own and fall flat on my face when I try. Thank goodness for grace!