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 I Wish... Reflecting Back on Memories Made

I wish that I had not been in a hurry for them to be more independent.

I wish that I had not been anxious for stroller days  and car seat days to be finished.

I wish that I had snuggled more.

I wish that I had known it was the last reading lesson he needed me to sound out the words before becoming a great independent reader. We still treasure reading together, but he isn’t dependent on me.

I wish that I had known it was the last time I was able to carry him around~ I would have carried him longer.

I wish that I had known it was the last time he could jump into my arms (and I could still catch him) off the side of the pool and we would have played all day.

I wish that I had not wasted away their years yearning for more children that our hearts so desired.

I wish that I had treasured the blessing of our sons more (when we had been told we would have none), instead of wondering why God did not entrust us with more.

I wish that I had been in better health and felt better so I could play with them more.

I wish that I had played all day and not let other things distract me.

I wish that I had not said “just another minute” so much.

I wish that I had dug in the dirt more and played tractors more with them.

I wish for the days when a kiss and hug fixed everything.

I wish that I had not let the weariness of those days get to me so much.

I wish that I had not been so fearful of the responsibility of raising my sons.

I wish that I had not been so fearful of their health and what “could” happen to them.

I wish that I had trusted the Lord more.

I wish I had spent more nights on my knees in prayer.

I wish for those toddler and preschool days again.

I wish I could learn to quit wishing and start treasuring and trusting more.

~~I have had a rough week. I have been under attack { it feels like} about the kind of mother I have been. I caved to the attack and felt like a failure.

I have looked back over the lives of our 11 and 9 year old sons. I can’t believe they are that old. Where did the time go and what did I do with it?  Have I done a good enough job?  It is almost as though I have been grieving that they are growing up. How silly is that?

God has blessed us with two precious sons and we are trying to do our best to intentionally raise them to be godly young men in this evil world.  What an awesome responsibility!

I want them to grow up and become men who change the world for God.  I see the evilness of the world and dread it for them. I know they are in the Hand of the One who created them and loves them far more than I ever can and I have to trust them to Him.

I love my sons so much, and wish I could have a redo for silly mothering things I have done or things I could have done.

When they were young, I was wishing for a little quiet just to go to the bathroom alone or sleep through the night just once.  Now that they are a little older and more independent, I find myself wishing for the days when they were young.

I realize I need to be grateful for the time we have had and memories we have made, rather than thinking of what was not or what could have been. Each day is a gift. We can either enjoy it or waste it away.

As we look back through their baby books and journals, we recall lots of fun memories:

  • ~jumping in mud puddles
  • ~picnics in the backyard or inside if raining
  • ~making blanket tents in the den
  • ~nature walks
  • ~playing dress up, pretend sword fights, cowboys and Indians fun
  • ~long walks around the farm
  • ~playing for hours on the beach
  • ~singing and dancing to kiddie tunes
  • ~jumping on the bed (maybe not so good, but fun!)
  • ~mommy-son dates
  • ~reading the Bible and memorizing scripture
  • ~seeing their understanding about God and learning of His great love by sending His Son to die for their sins, was ressurrected, and is preparing them a place in heaven
  • ~excitement of learning when I was teaching them
  • ~learning about rocks and collecting one everywhere we went. Now we have room full!
  • ~learning about birds and making bird feeders
  • ~playing in the snow
  • ~making stove top popcorn and making smores
  • ~little hands helping in the kitchen
  • ~listening to the boys compose their own music and playing it for recital
  • ~lots of laughter
  • ~hide and seek
  • ~hours spent in Grandpa and Grandma’s pool
  • ~reading adventure stories that speak to our sons’ warrior hearts
  • ~playing in the creek
  • ~letting them play in the mud and get covered… what fun they had!
  • ~hours at then park playing ball, running, and having fun
  • ~fun vacations
  • ~parties just to say I love you
  • ~breakfast in bed
  • ~pancakes in the shape of whatever holiday we are celebrating
  • ~having a haven to rest from the world

Reading through journals and scrapbooks and remembering all of our fun times makes it easier to deal with times like these when I feel like a failure.  I want to be intentional about being thankful for what I have, memories we have made and the family God has blessed me with.  I want to keep my eyes on the One who made us a family and keep being faithful as I press on.

Every day is a gift from God!

Are you ever under attack about your mothering and doubting yourself?  How do you handle it?


Photo Credit

Linking Up with:  Weekend Whatever,  Feasting in Fellowship, Proverbs 31 Thursday, Hearts 4 Home, Natural Living, Deep Roots at Home ,The Better Mom, Growing Home, These Five of Mine plus Two, Far Above Rubies, Women Living Well, Time Warp Wife, Frugally Sustainable, The Straightened Path, A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Prairie Homestead, Walk With Him Wednesdays


Mary Clendenin

Mary Clendenin lives on the family farm with her husband and 2 sons, whom she home schools. She enjoys farm life with her guys, gardening and making memories with her family. She loves to help others learn how to live a healthier lifestyle, learn about natural remedies and how to do business at home. Mary believes that home and family is your first ministry and a legacy that will live on long after you are gone.


  • I can’t say taht I’m under attack for my mothering, because I”m still single with no kids 🙂 🙂 However, I do feel under attack sometimes because I”m single and not where I feel like should be with relation to jobs, etc…No matter…it’s all lies from the enemy designed to get our focus off of God 😉 🙂 I’ll definitely be keeping you in my prayers. I thought your post was really thoughtful today 🙂 Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather 🙂

    • Mary says:

      Heather, you are always so encouraging!! Satan knows how to attack us right where we are in our situation. You are right…all to get our focus off of God. Thanks for your prayers and I’ll do the same for you! Enjoy the ocean! We are about 4 hours from the ocean on the opposite side of the country. 🙂

  • What a sweet post. It is these times of reflection that make us realize how speedily our lives fly by and help us learn to treasure our precious little ones. Thanks for sharing! (found you through Women Living Well link-up.

    • Mary says:

      Thanks for stopping by! I can’t believe how fast time flies. It is so important to treasure those we love.

  • Anonymous Homesteader says:

    Let me say that is a sign of a good mother that reflects and thinks about what she would have liked to have changed. But given that, it does no good to dwell on the coulda, woulda, shoulda’s, even though we all struggle with that at times. Something I have recently learned is, my adult children remember things very differently than I do. The things I feel terrible about, they don’t even remember. And they have reminded me of many things I had forgotten. But through all of it, they know (and have always known) that everything I did was in attempts for their good. Even when I screwed up! LOL

    • Mary says:

      You are right…it does no good. But sometimes, I allow myself to go there. I try to turn it into helping me be a better mother. Thanks for your encouragement and hopefully they will remember the good things and know our hearts.

  • What a sweet reminder, Mary. Thanks for baring your heart. I needed to hear it today. I have a one year old, and I am just getting started in this journey. I struggle to not wish away these moments sometimes when he’s pouring milk on his head, spitting out his green beans and then eating them again, or trying to lap up the milk he spilled like he’s a puppy or something … ha! Oh dear… Sometimes I want to move on from these moments, but then, God in His kindness brings sweet, humble women like you. Thanks for being a Titus 2 model. And remember, if you do think of those moments when you wish things could have been different, know that God can restore what the locusts have eaten and make it even more beautiful!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you, sweet Leigh Ann, for encouraging me with your kind comment. I was praying that it would help someone feeling like me or encourage someone who is still in that stage. I know the stage that you are at is very difficult and boys are something else…something precious, but trying for a mama. I remember when people used to tell me to “enjoy the little years because they will pass quickly”. I wanted to say…”do you know I haven’t slep through the night in years or go to the bathroom alone and I always smell like spit up”?? Oh, how right they were. I know mine are still young, but each passing stage reminds you of how close they are to adulthood. I wish I had known about Ann Voskamp and 1000 Gifts when they were small. I think that would have put a different light on it. Thank you so much for your encouragement through your marriage series! Have a great day!

  • Pamela says:

    Such a sweet post. I think all mothers second guess themselves. As my eldest got married I tortured myself wondering if I had squeezed out all the pleasure of being her momma, if I had taught her enough homemaking skills, etc. Then I watched her bloom first with the glow of wifehood and then with motherhood. Quickly I saw that even though I may have missed some, God led her and filled in the gaps. That and Philippians 4:8 — my go to verse when the devil tries to defeat me. I love how God takes over when I’m thinking on the lovely, pure and honest.

    • Mary says:

      Thanks for your sweet words. I can only imagine how hard it is when they get married. I know it was hard for my mom. I know we have to trust them to God at each stage. Thanks fro the reminder of how God takes over and for the verse!

  • Grisel says:

    As a mother of five kids I struggle with this all the time! I have to remind myself that I’m not perfect and God knows that, yet He gave me these kids anyway. He knew what they needed and He knows where we struggle. That’s where we need to trust in His mercy and grace. All those fond memories you’ve shared with your kids, enjoy them and just continue to create even more! The most important thing to do, you’re already doing…raising strong Christ followers!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you for your kind comment. God knows what He is doing! Motherhood is a way for us to grow in Him and examine our character. Thanks for reminding me of the most important things in life…that is what counts!

  • Jill says:

    I think you need to find a way to live in the present moment. Your children are no longer babies in strollers. But if all you do is look back and spend your emotional energy mourning that fact, you’re using up emotional energy that should be spent enjoying what they are TODAY. There is joy to be found in raising tweens. Just like there is joy in having a house full of teenagers…and joy in being a empty nester…and joy when you get to be a mother in law…and joy again as a grandparent.

    I’m single with no kids. I could spend every day crying that all my friends and sisters have kids and I don’t. But dagnabbit! There are joys in the single life and until my situation changes, I’m going to enjoy my present moment. Don’t cry for what you’ve lost (the strollers, the pancake shapes) get excited about what’s yet to come and in the meantime, enjoy your present moment!

    • Mary says:

      Thank you…and yes, that it what I am doing. Living in the present and enjoying every momet. But I have moments, as most people do, when I look back and wonder. That is why I enjoy listing the things I am grateful for and the many gifts I have been given. You are right, it is important to enjoy the gifts and joys each day. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Jasmine says:

    Mary, what a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your heart.

  • Terri Epelding says:

    Sweet Mary,
    I don’t think there is a mother alive who hasn’t spent hours and days where you are. Even after they grow up (mine ae 36 and 40) have kids of their own (5 grandkids 7, 10, 13, 16, 18) you still let your mind go there, and then your start feeling the same about the next geneation (did I invest enough time in them, etc). I am so glad we know a God who cares so much about us that we can run into his arms with these things, and to all the “what if’s” and “if only’s” he says “I have that covered”. He loves them much more than we can imagine. I think our thoughts are a grieving process of not being able to hold on a little longer and a little tighter. I know your boys are and will be great men of God, and you will hear your heavenly father and your boys say “great job”. Enjoy their love. Hold on tight while you can, and look forward to the wonderful times ahead with them. With much love. Terri